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Montages, Workspaces & Electrode Coordinate Files (.bvef) – passive electrodes
Here you can download montages, BrainVision Recorder workspaces and electrode coordinate files (.bvef) for caps with passive electrodes. All BrainVision Recorder workspaces / .bvef files have been prepared for use with the respective standard montage / layout. All relevant files are included in the .zip file.
Download the following file for these products: BrainCap, BrainCap MEG, BrainCap MR, BrainCap MR sleep, BrainCap TMS, LiveCap for LiveAmp, R-Net and R-Net MR.
Note: for an older cap or a cap with a custom montage or layout, please contact us. We will provide you with the appropriate workspace/.bvef file for your cap.