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BrainVision Analyzer 2 – Supported File Formats

BrainVision Analyzer 2 supports around 50 different data formats. This enables you to use Analyzer 2 as your neurophysiological analysis tool no matter if you used our own Brain Products hardware (generating our native file format) or one of many supported third-party recording systems.

Data files fulfilling the file format specifications from the list of Readers below can be loaded by adding them to the Raw File Folder of your Analyzer 2 workspace.

Please consider that this is not an exclusive list and if your current data format is not listed, it might still be possible to read it in Analyzer 2, for instance via an additional conversion step.

If you are unsure about the compatibility of your data format, please feel free to contact us.

Data Readers integrated in Analyzer 2

Astromed Reader [Twin 3.x and Astromed-Version 4.7]Besa Reader
Biopac Reader [Versions 2.0 to 3.9]Biosemi Reader
BrainLab Reader BrainPath Data Reader
(*.bhdr, *.bmrk, *.eeg)
Brainstar Reader [up to Version 4.0]Cogniscan Reader
Datawave ReaderDC-MES Reader
Easys Reader [EASYS2 (1996)]EDF Reader [EDF and EDF+ format; min. sampling rate: 200 Hz]
EGI Reader [continuous, segmented and averaged EGI simple binary format (*.raw) with integer precision (format versions 2 and 3) and floating-point single precision (format versions 4 and 5)]Eldith Reader [Neroprax format (2004)]
Generic Data Reader
(*.vhdr, *.vmrk, *.eeg)
(*.xhdr, *.xmrk, *.eeg)
[BrainVision Core Data format 1.0, BrainVision Data format 1.0 and 2.0]
Graph Tek Reader
Harmonie 5 Reader [Harmonie 5.0b, 5.4, 6.0, 6.1]Learning Data Reader
(*.lhdr, *.lmrk, *.eeg)
Micromed Reader [up to Version 4]Monitor Reader [Rhythm 7.1]
Neurofile Reader Neurofile 2 Reader [Neurofile NT (1999)]
Neuroscan ReaderNihon Kohden Reader [2110 / 1100]
PolyDC ReaderSBI Reader [Version 1.1]
Sigma Reader [Version 3.0]V-Amp Data Reader
(*.ahdr, *.amrk, *.eeg)
Vitaport Reader [VarioPort I and II]XLTek Reader [format versions 8 and 9]
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