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Experiment Control

Brain Products hardware and software supports communication with the most established software solutions for experiment control. Our hardware can be synchronized to external events by sending TTL pulses directly from the experiment control software to our amplifiers via the parallel port or our TriggerBox. Note: For programming examples to use the TriggerBox as a Virtual Serial Port see TriggerBox Programming Examples.

In addition to that, with Remote Control Server 2, you can even control BrainVision Recorder directly within the experiment control software: open BrainVision Recorder, set up important parameters, start recording EEG data … basically control all the important commands in BrainVision Recorder remotely.

Here, you can find more information on how to interface with Brain Products hardware and software using E-Prime from Psychology Software Tools, Presentation from Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., and Experiment Builder from SR Research Ltd.

Please note: Be sure to install the most current versions of both Remote Control Server 2 and BrainVision Recorder to ensure maximum compatibility.

E-Prime Extensions for Brain Products

Interfacing Brain Products hardware and software with E-Prime®

E-Prime® Extensions for Brain Products software is designed to optimize E-Prime® experiment communication with Brain Products EEG systems.


  • Brain Products toolbox of pre-defined Package Calls in E-Studio
  • Drag and drop package calls give the ability to:
    • Start, stop, pause and continue your EEG recording
    • Send triggers at specified events (e.g. onset of stimulus or response)
    • Send customizes markers based on stimuli type for simpler data analysis
    • Send marker of response accuracy
    • Verify recording has started
    • Receive notification of EEG errors
    • Load Recorder Workspaces
    • Set Recorder Monitoring, Impedance, and Test Signal modes

For more information or to request a quote, visit the PST website.

Logo - Presentation

Interfacing Brain Products hardware and software with Presentation®

Presentation® can interface with Brain Products hardware and software in two ways:

  • By sending hardware triggers that are directly recorded with the EEG (or EMG, EOG …) data stream
  • By connecting to Brain Products Remote Control Server 2 via TCP to directly control BrainVision Recorder

The instructions and sample files below will help you in setting up EEG experiments using Presentation® and Brain Products equipment with using just one of the above possibilities or a combination of both. Please note, you need a user account to access these files.

For more information, visit the NBS website.

Logo - SR Research EyeLinkInterfacing Brain Products hardware and software with Experiment Builder

Researchers who want to record simultaneous EEG and eye tracking data using SR Research EyeLink eye trackers (e.g., Eyelink 1000 PlusEyeLink Portable Duo), can now use the new Brain Products integration features in SR Research’s Experiment Builder 2.2 software.

Experiment Builder is SR Research’s drag-and-drop graphical programming environment for creating psychology/neuroscience experiments. The Brain Products integration comprises dedicated nodes that support communication with Remote Control Server 2, allowing complete control of your experiment from within Experiment Builder. Additional nodes send event markers to the Brain Products amplifiers over the parallel port or the TriggerBox. Simultaneous messages are sent to the EyeLink data, allowing for simple co-registration at the analysis stage.

Of course, EyeLink eye trackers are still compatible with other experiment control software solutions, such as E-Prime® or Presentation®.

For more information, visit the SR Research website.

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